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 People who rear cows will get a grant from this scheme of the Yogi government.

People who rear cows will get a grant from this scheme of the Yogi government.

Nandini Krishak Samriddh Yojana and Cow Promotion Schemes are being provided. Based on all these schemes, the state government is providing many other types of assistance along with subsidy amounts to the farmers or those opening dairies.

 The Uttar Pradesh government is running various types of schemes regarding cow rearing. The main objective of the Uttar Pradesh government is to encourage cow breeding as well as increase milk production in the state. The state government is running Gopalak Yojana, Nand Baba Yojana, Nandini Krishak Samriddh Yojana, and cow promotion schemes in the state for the rearing of cow breeds in the state. Based on all these schemes, the state government is providing a huge amount of subsidy along with various other types of help to the farmers or those opening dairies. The state government is currently running the Nandini Krishak Samridhi Yojana. Under this scheme, the Yogi government will provide up to 50 percent grants in three parts on projects worth Rs 62 lakh.

The subsidy will be given to cows of major breeds.

The Uttar Pradesh government will provide this grant amount in three parts. But, there will be some major conditions of the state government for this. Any person can take advantage of this scheme only after fulfilling these conditions. The state government will allocate funds only for rearing cows which give more milk in terms of milk production. Cows of these species include indigenous cows of Tharparkar, Gill breed, and Sahiwal cows. To avail the benefit of this scheme, cattle farmers will have to show about 10 children of these breeds, after which they will be able to avail about 25 percent of the grant amount. To avail the benefits of this scheme, you will have to apply by 25th October.

Also read: How to take care of milch animals in winter

How to apply to avail benefits of this scheme.

For this, you will have to fill out the form by clicking on its official website Along with this, they must show their own or leased area for animal husbandry. Only registered farmers of Uttar Pradesh state will be able to avail the benefit of this scheme. Farmers should have about three years of experience related to cow rearing. Along with this, the beneficiaries who have already availed of the benefits of Kamdhenu will not be able to avail of its benefits. 

Also read: Cow-based Farming: This is the real proof of cow-based farming in India and its benefits.

What documents will be required to avail the benefits of the scheme?

For your information, let us tell you that to avail the benefit of this scheme, keep all the official ID cards provided by the state government or the center safe with you, so that you do not face any problems while applying. For this, you need to have an Aadhar card, original residence proof, land details, bank account details, mobile number, and passport-size photo.

Leaving the government job, Mukesh is earning big profits from cucumber cultivation through polyhouse

Leaving the government job, Mukesh is earning big profits from cucumber cultivation through polyhouse

 For your information, let you know that young farmer Mukesh says that subsidized money is also received from the government to build a net house. Initially, he got a subsidy of 65% for setting up a net house. However, currently the Haryana government has reduced the grant amount to 50%.

 As we all know that even today people have gone absolutely crazy behind government jobs. It is the desire of every parent that his child gets a government job, so that his whole life becomes secure. Now the government job must be of low level. But, today, we will talk about a person who, leaving a good government job, is now coming to the village and doing farming.

Where is farmer Mukesh from?

Actually, the young farmer we are going to talk about is named Mukesh Kumar. Mukesh is a resident of Karnal district of Haryana. Earlier, he used to work in a government job in the Haryana Board. During the job, Mukesh used to get a salary of 45 thousand rupees per month. But, he did not feel like this government work, so he kicked this job. Today he is farming on his ancestral land with the net house method, due to which he is earning very well.

Also read: Farmers' crop savings up to 75% on ShedNet

Farmer Mukesh is providing employment to the people

Farmer Mukesh is also providing employment opportunities for many other farmers. Mukesh, a farmer, says he has set up four net houses on his land. Farmers Mukesh cultivates cucumbers inside them. According to farmer Mukesh, the demand for cucumbers increases a lot in summer. Now in such a situation, farmer Mukesh has been cultivating cucumbers for almost 2 years. Explain that farmer Mukesh is earning very well from this. This is the reason that he has gradually increased the area of cucumber cultivation. Along with this, Mukesh has also provided employment to many people around him.

Cucumbers can be cultivated throughout the year

Mukesh says that it costs two and a half to three lakh rupees to build a net house. But, the income increases considerably by cultivating it inside. The young farmer says that there are many varieties of cucumbers, which can be cultivated throughout the year inside the net house.


Also read: Farmer Subodh has set an example by cultivating cucumbers with the advice of a friend

There is very little wastage of water when irrigation is done by drip method

 Farmer Mukesh says that he has found the biggest feature of cucumber cultivation is that its cultivation consumes very little water. Actually, crops are irrigated through the drip method in the net house. The wastage of water is very less by drip irrigation. Along with this, water reaches the roots of the plants. Farmer Mukesh supplies cucumbers grown in his field to many cities including Delhi and Gurugram. At present, he is selling cucumbers at Rs 15 per kg.